About Me

Photo of Emma Searle

From Dating to Design...

After 5 years working as a matchmaker I felt I needed a career where I could be more creative, push myself harder and learn more about the driving forces of the future. When I stumbled across the term “UX Designer” on an underground ad, I did some research and immediately felt I’d hit the target on a role I would be perfect for! As a very organised, systematic thinker, the research and processes involved in achieving great design fit perfectly with my way of thinking. With a strong background in Psychology, I am naturally intrigued by the behaviour and cognitions of others and have always been concerned with providing the best experiences to people. The frequency in which I interviewed clients and my past qualitative research projects greatly contribute to my ability to gather insightful information during a one-to-one chat, which proves very helpful throughout the design process. Finally, I have always been a creative person, so the visual design element of UX is the cherry-on-top!

What’s the Relationship?

As a matchmaker I would sit with my client at the beginning of their membership and get to know their core values, what works and doesn’t work for them in a relationship and what they are looking for in a potential partner. I would then use these values and requirements to help narrow down my search for a potential match. As a UX designer I also identify people’s needs and provide them with a solution based on their feedback. The end result of both these processes is happiness, although one avenue may not end in another person stealing the duvet!

My Happy Place

As I mentioned I’ve always had a creative streak, from playing the piano and ballet classes to sewing courses and other haberdashery projects I’ve set myself throughout the years, I love getting my hands dirty with a new challenge! However, when I’m not “pinned” to the sewing machine I love to explore new places. I relish the excitement of being in a new country, indulging in the local cuisine and getting lost in the hustle and bustle of a local market.


  • User research
  • Information architecture
  • User personas
  • Prototyping
  • Wireframing
  • User testing
  • Qualitative research
  • Client management
  • Organisation
  • Excellent verbal and written communication
  • Ability to work autonomously and within a team

